
Posts Tagged ‘extension’

Removing GNOME Shell Extension

17 Januari 2019 2 komentar

After long time using Macbook Pro for about 3 years, I came back to use Ubuntu for my daily stuff. I found this interesting GNOME shell extension. For me, it’s like a plugin that we can install to get new functionality. There are some useful extension like OpenWeather or Caffeine.

As a new user, I want to try many extensions, and see which one that is useful for me. I ended up installing more than 10 of them. I found some of them are not useful for me, and some of them even broken. So, I wanted to uninstall them.

I use this URL to uninstall my extensions: But, for some reasons, it doesn’t work. I tried to uninstall an extension, but it comes back after I restart my machine. Some extensions even messed up my top bar (?). It’s kind of annoying.

GNOME Extensions

After some time, I googled my problem, and it seems (as always), it’s not only me. I found this thread. It’s better to uninstall it by removing the folder of the extension from ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions then restart by doing Alt+F2 and write restart.

Unfortunately, not all extension are in that directory. It turns out, some of them are installed system wide, thus you need to go to /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/, and restart like step before.

Here you go, you can remove your unused extension forever.

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